University of New South Wales, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Oct 2017 — Oct 2021, Sydney, Australia.
Joint PhD between the City Analytics Lab and the Expanded Perception and Interaction Centre focusing on democratising data science and AI within major infrastructure decision-making processes. Complete PhD thesis can be found here.
University College London. The Bartlett Centre for Advanced
Spatial Analysis (CASA), Master of Research (MRes) in Advanced
Spatial Analysis and Visualisation
2013 — 2014, London, United Kingdom
The Bartlett, UCL consistently ranks within the world’s top 5 universities in the QS World Rankings for Built Environment. CASA is one of the most formative and influential labs in the science of cities.
University of Melbourne, Diploma in Informatics
2009 — 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Grade: First Class Honours.
University of Melbourne, Bachelor of Environments (Urban Design & Planning)
2009 — 2012, Melbourne, Australia
Grade: First Class Honours. Dean’s Honours List (academic standing in top 3% of the faculty).
Harvard Business School, Professional Certificate – CoRE
2020 — 2021, Remote
Business Analytics, Economics for Managers, and Financial Accounting.
MIT, Professional Certificate – Technology Leadership
2020 — 2021, Remote
With technology accelerating at an unprecedented pace, technical professionals are often best poised to turn challenges into opportunities within their organisations.
Deloitte Australia Innovation Awards – Transformation – Deloitte
Generative AI Platform (DGAP)
Arts, Design and Architecture – Higher Degree Research Output
Award (UNSW)
Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Award (SSSI | SIBA) – Postgraduate Research (NSW)
UNSW Scientia PhD Scholarship
2017 — 2021, University of New South Wales
Comprehensive and prestigious research training scheme and funding awarded to PhD candidates to undertake projects in strategic research areas at UNSW with a global impact and high levels of social engagement.
Nominated – Research and Development Award
2020, ITS Australia National Awards
Young Smart Innovator of the Year
2019, Smart Cities Conference, Melbourne
GovHack – Interdisciplinary Data Award, National Best Policy Insights Hack
Dean’s Honours List
2011, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning. Univrsity of Melbourne.
Awarded to students with academic achievement within the top 3% of the faculty.