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Experiments with DeckGL – Population and Transport in Sydney

Deck.gl is a WebGL-powered framework for visual exploratory data analysis of large datasets.

Below are some works in progress of Deck.gl powering analysis of GTFS-Realtime data for Sydney (the information about where exactly the whole network is at any one time) as well as population and employment projections for Sydney. While the framework is reasonably straightforward to use – the process to get the data from the feeds to be read into the framework was quite a burden (I will try and push these to GitHub if anyone asks).. Now to get them online ; and with more buttons! 🙂

DeckGL Flows – Sydney GTFS Test – Oliver Lock May 2018 from Oliver Lock on Vimeo.

An example including buildings generated from cutting mesh blocks out of the road network, with a height based on population density.This provides us with images that look more like the real city, rather than flows running through empty space.

Zoomed out, with buildings, you can see the incredible organic development patterns of Sydney and how transport supports fringe areas.

Population density explorer – so much potential using this hex bin / pipe method to show information. Here we can get very fast renderings for the population density of the whole country. Providing toggles / buttons you could switch between variables (population / employment) as well as past data and future forecasts.

So, what do you think ?